Welcome to

Christ School Rajouri

Christ School was envisioned by the CMI fathers of the St. Thomas Province of Kozhikode. It is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) and has been imparting education for the last 12years as one of the prestigious educational institutions in the district of Rajouri.
The school provides a caring and supportive environment in which all students can develop their talents to the full in an atmosphere of ideal learning opportunities within and beyond the classroom. The school ensures that all students are able to develop morally, spiritually and socially, apart from acquiring skills, knowledge and personal responsibility with a broad vision, understanding and experience of the world. It gives special emphasis on the enrichment of the poor and the marginalized. Well qualified and devoted faculties, energetic students and advanced administrative systems build on strength and encouragement to the institution.
what we thought

Principal's Message

Welcome to the website of Christ School Rajouri. Christ School is an innovative School drawing on the talents and skills of its stakeholders. It aims to create a supportive and inclusive environment where gifted and talented students are encouraged to explore their potential and achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life.