The academic year is from April to March.

The day at Christ School begins at 7.45 a.m. and ends at 1.50 p.m. in summer and at 8.45 a.m. and ends at 2.50 p.m. in winter.

The day begins with a short assembly – brief silence, a prayer, thought for the day, newspaper reading, and National Anthem. There shall be morning general assembly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the ground. Daily, there are seven learning periods of 40 to 45 minutes duration each. The lunch break is 12 pm to 12.20 p.m. in summer and from 1 pm to 1.20 p.m. in winter. The day closes with National Anthem.

Monday to Saturday is working days for all classes.

If your child is absent for a day, please record the absence in the handbook. If the child is absent for more than two days, please inform the school by phone or in writing about the reason for absence. You must also contact the class teacher for follow up of the work your child has missed. A doctor's certificate must be sent in when the child resumes school after the absence.

Parents can meet the teachers to review and plan the child’s progress, on all days after 1.45 to 2.45 pm in summer and after 2.45 to 3.45 pm in winter.

The teachers identify students in need of subject-wise academic reinforcement and conduct individual remedial coaching. The teachers will send a handbook note to parents concerned, about the remedial class schedule.

You have to check your child’s handbook every day in order to facilitate effective parent-teacher communication on all relevant matters.

All school fees are collected monthly as a cash payment at the office or through Online Transaction to School Bank Account Number.