Our Education Policy

The CMI Education Policy

  • We, the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate, after the example of founder St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara , Consider education to be an integral part of the formation of a person. It is essential for the fulfillment of his /her individual and social responsibilities.
  • We aspire towards creating a just society where human dignity is respected. Where unjust social structures are challenged, where our cultural heritage, religious harmony and national integration are upheld, and where the marginalized are specially taken care of.
  • Our educational endeavors aim at forming leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, Physiologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable; who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth, peace and who are ever open to further growth, both individual and social.
  • The secret of the success of our educational institutions is a community of teachers who are professionally competent, morally upright, humane in their dealings, and who are totally committed to their vocation. They make constant efforts to grow in the true vision of education.
  • We have to reach out to the families, especially of our students, to assist them in their needs, to share in their joys and sorrows and help them to experience love and freedom and to make them realize that our educational institutions are an extension of their homes.
  • Our institutions are open to all students irrespective of caste and creed; they are accepted and cherished as they are and are helped to grow in their cultural, social and religious traditions. As they are privileged to be in our institutions, they will also have the right to get acquainted with the person of Jesus Christ and his gospel. Being established by and for a minority community.
  • Our institutions are open to society at large by making their resources available for the ongoing education and non – formal teaching.
  • For the realization of this CMI goal of education, we expect our students, parents, teachers and society at large to share this vision and co-operate with us Whole–heartedly for proper realization of this sublime goal of education and formation advocated by CMI.
  • 10% concession will be given to the poor students.

The Main objectives of the School

  • To build up a community of staff and students, committed to the common pursuit of truth and moral excellence.
  • To help students achieve self-discipline, cultivate good habits and be open to the divine will.
  • To train students in clarity of thoughts and accuracy of expression and develop in them leadership qualities.
  • To cultivate a healthy modern outlook among the students while drawing inspiration from ancient cultural heritage and tradition.
  • To inculcate in the students a sense of responsibility to the nation and to encourage their involvement in the task of building up a new India, free from exploitation, injustice, corruption, ignorance, poverty and misery.